2018/12/21 從 Personal Health Dashboard 收到 Automatic Minor Version Upgrade (AMVU) 的行為將從 2019/01/14 起變更, 針對有設定 Automatic Minor Version Upgrades 之 RDS instances, 將會安排在 DB instances maintenance 程序中, 進行小改版的升級動作.
今日觀察到 RDS 中的 MySQL instance 因為這個變更, 在維護過程中進行的小改版自動升級:

另外也有些 RDS for MySQL instance 被安排在要來的周末維護過程中, 進行小改版的自動升級動作:

由於手上還有許多正式營運中的 RDS for MySQL instances, 所以將會針對 AMVU 這個行為變更, 再次進行所有實例的檢查, 以免意外發生小改版自動升級, 導致意外事件的發生, 同時也建議處境與 shortie 相同的朋友趕快檢查 AMVU 設定.
AWS Personal Health Dashboard 通知內容
We are notifying you to let you know about a change in behavior of the Automatic Minor Version Upgrade (AMVU) feature in Amazon RDS. You are receiving this email because you have had one or more active Amazon RDS database instances with the AMVU property set to TRUE.
Beginning on January 14, 2019, Automatic Minor Version Upgrades will be scheduled through the DB instance maintenance process[1]. You will see when a minor engine version upgrade is scheduled to be applied to your database instance in the AWS Console or through the describe-pending-maintenance-actions command in the AWS CLI. You can also choose to apply AMVU immediately by clicking Apply Now in the AWS Console or via the apply-pending-maintenance-actions command in the AWS CLI.
As the behavior of this feature is changing, we have set the Auto Minor Version Upgrade property to FALSE on all existing RDS for SQL Server and RDS for Oracle DB instances. If you would like to re-enable AMVU for these DB instances, you can enable it via the RDS Console, CLI, or API.
The AMVU property for existing RDS for MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL database instances has not been changed. If you do not want your database instance to be automatically upgraded to the default engine minor version, you can modify the database instance and set this property to FALSE.
RDS DB instances with the auto minor version upgrade property set to TRUE that are not running the latest minor database engine version will be scheduled to be upgraded during the maintenance window specified for each database instance.
from RDS operational notification
- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_UpgradeDBInstance.Maintenance.html
- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_UpgradeDBInstance.Upgrading.html
從 AMVU 這個自動套用小改版更新的設計, 聯想到既然人所創造的 AWS RDS for MySQL 都免不了要持續更新, 我們同時也要記得我們的神, 應許了我們在基督裡的更新、恢復與超越, 包括心理的與靈裡的. 在此以羅馬書 12:2 一起跟眾弟兄姊妹自我期許, 「 不要模倣這世代,反要藉著心思的更新而變化,叫你們驗證何為神那美好、可喜悅、並純全的旨意。」.