Zabbix 發行 5.2.4

shortie 手邊已有部分主機透過 CentOS Stream 取得此項更新, 所有已更新的電腦未見有重大問題發生, 因此應該算是一個相對安全的更新, 不過建議升級前還是採取必要的輩分手段, 還是那句老話: 小心駛得萬年船!

新功能 & 更新

ZBXCTR-13Added custom query support for PostgreSQL plugin and template, fixed unix-socket support
ZBXNEXT-5862Added Rocket.Chat media
ZBXNEXT-6389Added template for NetApp FAS3220
ZBXNEXT-6419Added tablespace metrics to Oracle Templates
ZBXNEXT-6331Updated plugins: ceph, docker, memcached, mysql, oracle, redis — unified functionality (parameters describing and parsing, URI parsing, using sessions, errors handling)
ZBXNEXT-6210Added native support for proc.mem key in Zabbix agent 2
ZBXNEXT-6367Added metrics to the official MySQL template
ZBXNEXT-6330Added Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 template
ZBXNEXT-6219Added “HashiCorp Vault” template
ZBXNEXT-6231Added Apache ActiveMQ template
ZBXNEXT-6358Removed detailed information from Reports -> Notifications page
ZBXNEXT-6364Removed long lists of cloned objects from host and template full clone forms
ZBXNEXT-6291Implemented breadcrumbs on host dashboards page
ZBXNEXT-6257Implemented Check for not supported value preprocessing step test


ZBX-18893Changed frontend config file permissions to 0600
ZBX-18860Fixed crash of log item during “Check for not supported value” preprocessing step
ZBX-18884Fixed crash in web monitoring and* keys when encoding non ASCII characters in URL
ZBX-18865Fixed dbConditionInt ( returning wrong result in rare cases
ZBX-18853Removed hardcoded teams_endpoint check
ZBX-16216Fixed semaphore not being cleaned up when stopping Zabbix agent
ZBX-18815Fixed displaying incomplete list of inherited trigger tags under rare circumstances
ZBX-18556Fixed gaps in time labels of classic graphs related to DST transitions
ZBX-18468Changed preprocessing for item “PHP-FPM: Ping” in PHP-FPM templates
ZBX-17369Fixed retrieval of decimal values from WMI
ZBX-18410Fixed retrieval of Nth most recent values in trigger function strlen
ZBX-18722Fixed runtime error when creating user group without users
ZBX-18644Replaced deprecated gethostbyname function with getaddrinfo
ZBX-18387Made directory error handling for the UserParameter command in C agent the same as in GO agent
ZBX-18802Fixed close problem task to be deleted when problem event is deleted
ZBX-17716Fixed ‘UserParameter’ parsing and possible buffer overrun
ZBX-17865Fixed displaying of long problem names on problems and event pages
ZBX-18796Improved update performance of the preprocessing rules in item.update(), itemprototype.update() and discoveryrule.update() methods
ZBX-17169Added locale forced to English in userparameter [*] in agent configuration
ZBX-18623Fixed the global search showing number of objects that user has no permissions
ZBX-18637Fixed item update form when changing type from calculate or DB monitoring to script item type
ZBX-18612Added error message for when real-time data export file become inaccessible
ZBX-18784Fixed memory leak when handling vmware events
ZBX-18625Fixed host level tags were not inherited in Trigger -> Tags configuration form



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