VirtualBox 與 macOS Arm64 (M1/M2/M3/M4) 的大小事



  • 從 7.1 開始支援於 macOS/Arm 的環境中, 安裝 Linux / BSD 的虛擬機器。
  • 根據文件的說明,目前官方正式支援下列作業系統的虛擬機器:
    • Oracle Linux 9
      • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9
      • CentOS Stream 9
    • Oracle Linux 8
      • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
    • Oracle Linux 7
  • 另外官方未提供支援,但是也許可以安裝的作業系統虛擬機器:
    • CentOS Stream 8
    • CentOS Linux 7
    • Debian 12
    • Debian 11
    • Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat)
    • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)
    • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)
    • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver)
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12
  • VirtualBox 提供的 Developer preview for macOS / Arm64 (M1/M2/M3) hosts 可成功安裝,也可正常執行。(雖然會顯示 Beta build warning! 警告,不過程式本身倒是真真實實的 Apple Silicon 應用程式。)
  • 目前最新的版本是 VirtualBox-7.0.8_BETA4-156879-macOSArm64 ,這個版本無法安裝從微軟 MSDN 網站下載的 Windows 11 Arm64 ISO 光碟,一直顯示無法開機的訊息。
  • 上述版本也無法安裝從微軟 MSND 網站下載的 Windows 10 x64 ISO 光碟,可以開機進行安裝,但是在安裝的過程中會在不特定的地方出現錯誤。

也就是說,想要在 macOS Arm64 上,利用 VirtualBox 進行 Windows 10/11 的相關使用或測試,目前應該是屬於不可行的想法。

自己目前使用的方法是 VMware Fusion 13.5.2 搭配從 MSDN 下載的 Windows 11 Arm64 ISO 光碟安裝可供測試的 Windows 11 虛擬機器。

2024-09 更新

VirtualBox 7.1.0 (released September 09 2024)

This is a major update. The following new features were added:

  • GUI: Modernized look and feel, offering a selection between Basic and Experienced user level with reduced or full UI functionality
  • OCI Integration: Performance dashboard now shows resource usage for cloud VMs
  • OCI Integration: Clone compute instances
  • OCI Integration: Reset compute instances
  • Oracle VirtualBox Extension Pack: Update to the PUEL license, removing the evaluation option. For evaluation use of the Extension Pack, please download it from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud
  • VRDE: If user does not set up TLS with custom certificates, enable it with self-signed certificate, including issuing a new one before the old one expires
  • NAT: New engine with IPv6 support
  • macOS/Arm host: Arm virtualization for Linux and BSD VMs
    • macOS/Arm 主機(host):用於 Linux 和 BSD 虛擬機器的 Arm 虛擬化。
  • Linux host and guest: Added Wayland support for Clipboard sharing (bug #20808)
  • Shared Clipboard: Added initial support for transferring files on Linux and Windows hosts / guests. This requires the 7.1 Guest Additions to be installed. See User Guide for known limitations
  • Screen Recording: Significant performance improvements for the encoding pipeline, resulting in less CPU usage while recording is active. This requires 7.1 Guest Additions to be installed on Windows guests

2024-03 更新

VirtualBox test builds 頁面中,可以看到 macOS/ARM64 BETA 還是持續都有在開發中,目前的版本是 VirtualBox-7.0.15_BETA4-161959-macOSArm64.dmg ,希望最終還是能夠有一個堪用的版本出來,提供除了 Parallel 與 VMware 之外的選擇,不過目前頁面的說明還是讓人卻步!

TThe test builds for macOS/ARM64 work in principle on Macs with M1, M2 or M3 CPU. However, they are developer previews with known issues (including serious performance ones) with all recent guest operating systems.

VirtualBox test builds

2023-10 更新

Developer preview 的下載連結已經被移除了,不過我們還是可以在 VirtualBox test builds 頁面中,找到 macOS/ARM64 的安裝檔案,更新資訊撰寫當下的版本是 VirtualBox-7.0.11_BETA4-159409-macOSArm64.dmg ,不過看到該頁面中的說明,還是令自己採取觀察的態度,暫時不再花時間進行任何的測試。

The test builds for macOS/ARM64 work in principle on Macs with M1 or M2 CPU. However, they are developer previews with known issues (including serious performance ones) with all recent guest operating systems.

VirtualBox test builds



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